Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Winter Break!!!

If you CHOOSE to, you may read your African-American literary novel during the break. We will be completing an entire project on this book in 3 weeks after the break, so plan wisely, but don't try to complete everything.

DID YOU MISS CLASS THIS WEEK? Here is the makeup assignment for the Socratic Seminar.

There is an Extra Credit Opportunity (due January 6-16). CLICK HERE for the details of the assignment.

If you want a "head's up" on some of the upcoming work, here is the LIT TERMS assignment we will begin on January 6th (due January 14th).

See you in January!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hey class: some of you are struggling with your homework assignment for the Greek tragedy terms. Here is a LINK that might help. Some of the terms fit only one of the two plays (for instance, Deus ex machina is in Medea, not Oedipus Rex) but you need to know the term. We will finish the discussion in class on Monday.