Thursday, February 19, 2015

Due to family illness and lack of time to discuss the poetry, I am moving the DUE DATE for the Literary Terms #3 (short stories and poems) assignment to MONDAY, Feb. 23. I plan to be back for class on Friday. Check the postings for additional resources as you complete your project.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Want those extra points? One of the rarely appearing extra credit opportunities is rapidly approaching (see LEFT side for details). The Candide-based extra credit assignment is DUE Wed, Feb. 18 (no exceptions). Ask me if you need clarification.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Just a quick reminder that you need to bring a favorite POLITICAL CARTOON (from any time period, current or historical), printed, to class tomorrow (2-3). Pick a cartoon you are confident enough to explain to other people, and that you personally found apt or entertaining.