Monday, April 25, 2016

Next class we will spend HALF of the period completing our one-pager responses to MOTIFS in Hamlet. Plan for just 45 minutes to complete a well-organized and visually compelling piece. You may work on this outside of class. Due at the end of the period (Wednesday).

We will also be working on poetry analysis in small groups and getting some exposure to the variety of approaches the AP test-makers have used in the past.  

9 days until the AP test! Only 2 class days!!!
We are having a "AP bunch brunch" on Friday, May 6th. I will provide drinks. You bring the food--enough to share--while we talk about what is next in class. 

Have the novel A Brave New World (it's in the library) by Monday, May 2nd. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

If you missed class on Friday, April 1, check out the links on the left for classwork. 

ALSO, I handed out an alternate Poem Explication guide and an AP prompt comparing the Sirens passage from The Odyssey to Margaret Atwood's poem "The Sirens." We are going to discuss ways to approach a comparison essay for these two on Monday. 

Weren't there? At least look up the two passages so you can participate in the discussion. 

We will also be discussing quotes from Ch. 17-19, focusing on Romanticism.