Monday, June 10, 2013

Welcome to a new year of literary joy and travail!

This may be the most difficult and the most rewarding English class of your life. There are several things you can do to make this year more enjoyable and less stressful.

Generally, stay organized. Organization may be the single greatest factor in earning a A versus a B (or getting that raise or promotion, getting that scholarship, winning that award, etc.).

1. Keep track of upcoming assignments on a calendar OR by using this blog (major due dates will be posted, with the accompanying assignment sheet link, on the left side of this blog).

2. Keep ALL handouts, even if you think you don't need them anymore, all year. A file folder will be provided in class, for your convenience, to keep your binder from overflowing. This blog is also provided as a resource, just in case you are absent or lose a handout. Bookmark it and check this site on a weekly basis.

3. Keep all graded assignments (this is another great use of your file folder, since we both have access to this location). If there is ever a question about your grade, or if you wish to redo as specific assignment, the paper in question will be available.

4. ASK QUESTIONS. You can't fill in knowledge gaps unless you ask. Learners come from different backgrounds, have had different educational experiences, and have read different books. Everyone will have days where the material presented is "old" and everyone will have days where the material presented is frankly over our heads. The more active you are in your own education, the more successful you will be (you might enjoy the process more, too!).

As this course is college-level, you will be expected to have a higher level of autonomy and resourcefulness in managing your classwork. However, many college classes utilize web-based programs to disseminate information, encourage dialogue, and archive handouts. This blog is intended to serve that purpose.

Feedback on what is working, what isn't and what may need to be added is always welcome.

I'm looking forward to an amazing year with all of you!