Monday, February 29, 2016

notice the author's use of fire/warmth and ice/cold in her description of people, places, and attitudes. Be prepared to discuss examples in class on Wednesday.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Don't forget to bring a clean copy of your REVISED quickwrite from the Modernism unit to class on MONDAY for a grammar exercise. 

Keep up with the reading (SCHEDULE AT LEFT) to fully participate in class and to earn those nebulous participation points.

Handouts are being uploaded as quickly as I can--a few need to be scanned. Most are already on the LEFT.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, come conference with me on Tuesdays or Thursdays after school.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Your TIMED WRITE REVISION (one polished piece from the 3 timed writes we have done in this short story unit) is due on Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the beginning of class (preferably typed). 

Finish reading "Cathedral" for homework over the weekend and be prepared to discuss it on Wednesday. 

Also remember we need to check out or purchase Jane Eyre before Feb. 22 for class.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Welcome to Semester Two and congratulations on a job well done for our "Literary Museum" at the conclusion of the first semester!

We now enter a period of practicing more strategies you will need to master for the AP test through shorter pieces--short stories and poems, before we return to the remaining three longer pieces that come before the AP test in MAY. Links, as always are available on the LEFT for class handouts and notes.

While, as I stated in the syllabus, this class is not a test prep course, we will be doing some in-class practice along the way. You are expected to plan for, and prep for, the AP test outside of class as well. There are many helpful study guides out there (and they are available at the Public Library as well). See me if you have a particular concern.