Friday, January 20, 2017

Good luck on all your finals! 

Remember, late work will not be accepted, for any reason, after Friday, Jan. 20, at 3pm in person or by 6pm via email. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Student directions for Friday,  Jan. 13:
1)      Pick a poem you did not analyze with your group. Go through the poem and indicate EVERY literary device you find the poet has utilized. This is an IDENTIFICATION exercise. You don’t need to explain the device, just identify (for example, the rhyme scheme, or the alliteration in a particular line, etc.). LABEL THIS POEM “Device identification”
2)      Go back to the poem your group analyzed on Friday and Monday. Write a SINGLE, FORMAL explication paragraph focusing on how ONE POETIC DEVICE adds to the overall meaning of the poem. LABEL THIS POEM “Explication” and attached the paragraph to the packet.
3)      Choose any two poems from this packet and write a SINGLE, FORMAL analysis paragraph demonstrating similarities in theme. Do not focus on poetic devices for this paragraph. List the two poems in the paragraph and on the top of the page. Staple this second paragraph to the packet.

4)      Make sure your name is on every page. Turn the packet in to the box. ALL WORK, done or not, is due at the end of the period.